General Information

What is the benefit of guided consultations on my career path?

Choosing the right specialty is not an easy task for medical students. Theoretical lectures, electives and other forms of teaching are often insufficient to provide in-depth insight into different specialties and their subspecialties. Consulting on your career provides a different perspective on this difficult task and will facilitate the decision-making process. 

What is the purpose of this committee?

The purpose of this committee is to organize career-oriented events and guide the Koç University School of Medicine students on their career choices through group activities and individual one-on-one guidance. 

What are the qualifications of this committee?

The members of CCIM are full-time faculty members of KUSOM with different educational backgrounds from various international programs who are individually dedicated to guiding students on their career paths through mentorship, student advisory, basic and advanced educational activities and elective clerkship coordination.    

How are committee members chosen?

The members of the committee are chosen by the Dean of KUSOM. Committee Head and Members are full-time faculty staff of KUSOM. They are chosen for a 3-year period, which then can be extended by the Dean. 

What methods are utilized by the committee for guiding students?

The committee’s methods include consultation sessions with committee members or other KU faculty; one-on-one meetings with specific specialists; seminars with experts or experienced staff; group activities; guidance to student organizations. 

How does this committee integrate with other faculties, offices or staff of Koç University?

The committee works in collaboration with the Career Events Club for the School of Medicine (KUKET) and the KU Career Development Center. 

Who can apply for a consultation? Are other university students eligible?

CCIM is dedicated only to CURRENT students of SOM. Other students (undergrad or grad) are NOT eligible for consultation application to CCIM. 

Application Process

Before making an application, how can I prepare to benefit most?

Choosing the specialties that you will be practicing in the future, is an important decision that requires reflection, research, and time. We can advise you to explore who you are and what you want in your life, and then identify the career options that will support your goals. You may find that more than one specialty or practice environment will bring satisfaction and meaning to your career. 

How much information is necessary for an application?

We have a standard application form that starts with the questions to get your identity and class year. The second part contains five questions to assess the needs of your application. The sample questions are as follows: 

  • Which issue would be of specific interest to you regarding your medical career? 
  • Do you have a current decision on your postgraduate career path? 

While answering these questions, you could have a chance to think broadly for your needs and background development during your education period. 

How do I apply?

Application form can be easily reached through our website. The most important part is to fill the form completely so that we can have more information about you and guide you according to your needs. When the filled form is sent via email, all the members of the committee will be available for your application. We will contact you as soon as possible. 

Click the link below the questions! 

Is it possible to apply as a group of students who have similar goals?

It depends. It could be possible but with a maximum of 3 students. Committee will decide eligibility. 

How is an application processed and evaluated?

The members of the committee will process and evaluate the application at first sight.  We will be contacting you in 5-7 work days. 

How long does it take to evaluate my application and arrange a meeting?

You can have an initial -10 minutes- meeting with the assigned member of the committee to define your needs. The timing of your dedicated meeting with the recommended mentor could take up to 2-3 weeks depending on the availability of their academic calendar. 

The Meeting

Who are going to meet with me, and how are they chosen?

A team of two faculty members (at least one being directly affiliated with the CCIM) will conduct the meeting. Specific faculty to attend will be determined based on scheduling and availability.  

There is an option to state a particular person you would like to contact for mentorship in our application form. While CCIM cannot guarantee the presence of the person you name, an effort will be made to invite him/her if convenient for the said faculty.  

How is the meeting performed?

Meetings are scheduled at least a week before. We prefer face-to-face meetings but when necessary and available secure online platforms (such as cisco, zoom, etc.) are also can be used. Phone calls are not accepted. 

What are the methods that you use during a meeting to guide students?

CCIM members use a “coaching” perspective in guided consultations. This method is designed to: 

  • Help the applicant discover career objectives 
  • Identify personal criteria to handle future career decisions 
  • Encourage self-awareness about values, interests, strengths and weaknesses 

The first part of the meeting will be dedicated to open-ended questions concerning the mentee’s personal qualities, professional goals, approach to career alternatives and familiarity with career development tools.  

The attending faculty will then analyze your responses to build immediate and delayed feedback on your career strategy. Please keep in mind that this session does not intend to provide a ready-made career formula, nor does it suggest an absolute next step to be taken. Be sure to check “What should I NOT expect from this meeting?” below. 

How do you provide feedback and what should I expect from this meeting?

The CCIM feedbacks are constituted from the information you provide during the application and the answers during the meeting. Verbal feedbacks are given immediately at the end of the meeting.  

Do not forget that our recommendations are only suggestions, are subjective and aims to support you to form your own unique decisions. There is no single career path for a med student and there isn’t a single “best” or “worse” option. Every choice has its pros and cons.  

After the meeting, we will send a short questionnaire to obtain your feedback on the meeting. Your feedback is valuable to improve the quality of the assistance we provide. We will never ask for your final decision after the meeting, observe and record your later career. 

What should I NOT expect from this meeting?

We will not, 

  • Provide any assistance on examinations (TUS, USMLE, IELTS, etc.). 
  • Provide information on the working conditions of different countries or hospitals. 
  • Provide any assistance on finding PhD, Post-doc positions in different countries or institutions. 
  • Make choices on country, hospital or specialty field on behalf of you. 
  • Tell you to choose a clinical, an academic or a lab. career. 
  • Comment on a specific individual that you are willing to work together or suggest a specific person work with. 

How are these meetings are recorded? Are you going to use this data in the future?

Written consent will be requested before the meeting. Attending two committee members will take notes but these are to be used during the meeting only, not for reporting. There will be no video or audio recording. The confidentiality of this meeting is strictly protected! We will securely store the written data until your graduation. 

Do you report to any other units of Koç University about me?

There isn’t any regular reporting procedure on these meetings. The stored data will be reported to the Dean’s Office if only specifically asked (the committee is directly responsible to the Dean), or the committee believes not reporting may cause harm to you. 

Ready to apply for a consultation? Click here!